Summer Term 2017
We have had a busy start to the Summer term!
Singing exams were held in March and all pupils who took an exam achieved either a Merit or Distinction so well done to all involved!
An Easter Fun Day in the Easter holidays took place and was very well received by those who attended. There are plans for a Summer holiday fun day and I will be touch regarding possible dates soon.
Pupils took part in the annual May Day Earlsdon Festival and performed to a very large audience. Well done to all the performers, you did a great job!
A new mini Freestyle class for pupils aged 5-10 is trialing on Wednesdays at 4.30pm at Earlsdon and is proving popular. Please contact me for more information or to register interest. We still have Twinkle Tots (for children from 18 months) which runs on a Saturday morning at 10.30am and private singing tuition is also available in the form of one to one 30 minute classes at the Hall, at home or Jill's house.
Pupils of the school also took part on several shows in the past months. Lauren D was part of the principal dance team in Wing-It Theatre's production of Fame! from 20-22 April and she also be performed alongside Ella, Lucy H and Jess D in YOG's production of Whistle Down The Wind from 3-6 May, both productions were very good.
Adult Dancexercise classes are held on a Tuesday evening (at United Reformed Church, Holyhead Road in Coundon) at 7.15-8.05pm.
Singing group - Wednesdays at 7.15-8pm
Adult Tap class (for all abilities) - Thursdays at 6.15-7pm.
School T-Shirts are still available to purchase. These have been introduced as part of our uniform for Freestyle Dance and Musical Theatre (where a black t-shirt is required) but are available to anyone who attends a class at the school. School Hoodies are also available to order, as well as holdalls, satchels and warm up crop tops.
If you haven't already filled out a medical/contact form, please see me to complete one. If you have any questions or queries on any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please keep an eye on the website ( for news and information.
Finally, don't forget to follow us on Twitter @jptheatreschool and 'like' us on Facebook ( Please also feel free to invite people to follow and like us and share all our posts if possible please. An Instagram page can also be found - jptheatreschool
Miss Jill
Half Term Holiday - Saturday 27 May to Saturday 3 June - we shall reopen for classes week commencing 5 June
Summer Holidays - Start week commencing 24 July
Trolls/Party Fun Day - Friday 4 August (10am-2.30pm)
Disney Princess Fun Day - Friday 25 August (10am-2.30pm)
Autumn Term - Classes start back on 2nd September
Please note - no classes on 9th September