December 2017 Update
Hello Everyone!
We have had a busy half term featuring the Tapathon in November, exam sessions at the start of this month and a Christmas concert on 16 December coming up .
The annual Tapathon was held on Sunday 19 November at Coundon Social Club. We had a good group of participants and a fun afternoon at the event. Unfortunately, the world record was just short - by 78 dancers - but this means we get to have another go at the record next year!
We also had our IDTA exam sessions at the start of December. Well done to everyone who took an exam (or two!), you looked really smart and the examiner was impressed with you all. We await results which will most likely arrive in the New Year. Our Winter LCM exams are currently being posponed and we await a new date. I will keep the candidates posted!
A Christmas Concert shall take place at Coundon Social Club on Saturday 16 December at 7pm. It is a chance to see singing pupils and our glee group perform examination pieces, songs they have been working on in class and Christmas songs to get you in the Christmas mood. Ticket price TBC and there will be a raffle for Bloodwise.
Ella, Lucy H, and Lauren D have all started their studies at BOA - Birmingham Ormiston Academy this term. They are all pupils on the KS4 Musical Theatre Pathway. Abbie S is also attending BOA on their Technical Theatre Course. It sounds like they are really enjoying it and there are other pupils preparing to audition in the New Year for September 2018.
Miss Jill attended an Estill Voice Training course in Cardiff during the week of October half term. It was very interesting and some of what she has learnt is now being applied and introduced to singing lessons to help with the development of singing voices and vocal health.
Jess D, Ella, Lucy H and Lauren D performed in YOG's production of Happy Days in November at the Albany Theatre. Well done to all in what was a really enjoyable show.
Our Assistant Teacher, Miss Laura, Lauren D and Lucy W are in rehearsals for Jack and the Beanstalk at the Albany Theatre in January 2018 and we also have Jess D and Lucy H performing in Annie at the Belgrade Theatre in May 2018.
Well done everyone!
Adult Classes on offer
Adult Dancexercise classes are held on a Tuesday evening (at United Reformed Church, Holyhead Road in Coundon) at 7.15-8.05pm.
Singing group - Wednesdays at 7.15-8pm
Adult Tap class (for all abilities) - Thursdays at 6.15-7pm.
Other Business
School T-Shirts are still available to purchase. These have been introduced as part of our uniform for Freestyle Dance and Musical Theatre (where a black t-shirt is required) but are available to anyone who attends a class at the school. School Hoodies are also available to order, as well as holdalls, satchels and warm up crop tops.
If you haven't already filled out a medical/contact form, please see me to complete one. If you have any questions or queries on any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please keep an eye on the website ( for news and information.
Finally, don't forget to follow us on Twitter @jptheatreschool and 'like' us on Facebook ( Please also feel free to invite people to follow and like us and share all our posts if possible please. An Instagram page can also be found - jptheatreschool
Miss Jill
LCM Exam Session - Monday 11 December 2017 now postponed. New Date to follow
End of Term - Tuesday 12, Wednesday 13, Thursday 14 and Saturday 16 December 2017
Start of New Term - Tuesday 9, Wednesday 10, Thursday 11 and Saturday 13 January 2018